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My name is Jen and I've always been a fan of doodling on anything I can find. That progressed to self-teaching books I rented from the library when I was younger so I could do more than ninja stick figures fighting each other. My first "How to Draw" book was of dragons, the second was for Dragon Ball Z. Priorities, right? From there, it's been more of an online tutorial experience with mostly me just drawing whatever whim came to mind. I am a fan of a myriad of games/TV shows/movies/anime/etc, so I often sketch fan-fiction.

I am dedicated to creating artwork I love and to hopefully earn some profit by following my passion. Whether it’s purchasing already created work, commissioning me for unique pieces, or becoming a patron to see “behind-the-scenes” during my art journey, I appreciate all of the support. My goal is to turn this hobby into a career and your support can make it happen. Any and all suggestions and critiques are most welcome. If you just want to tell me about your day, that's good too.





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